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Ferreira na cadeira de Basquiat +ôleo sobre tela 200x100cm Ano 2004.gif
Logo exhibition Ferreira.png

FROM FEB 6 TO APR 7, 2024

Ilus+úo 100x100 cm  Acr+¡lico sobre tela  Ano 2005_edited_edited.jpg

Immersion in the world of ferreira

CAIXA Cultural Fortaleza, the Ministry of Culture and the Government of Brazil present to you the exhibition 50 years of Ferreira de Arte. A beautiful celebration of the half century of dedication and love for the visual arts of Master Ferreira from Pernambuco (José Ferreira de Carvalho).


Here you will have the opportunity to learn about his various expression techniques in 50 works on display, selected by different aesthetic phases that reveal six stylistic periods. Each phase is represented by the series: "Naïve"; "Me and the Masters"; "Ceramics"; “Satye”, “Abstrata” and “Amazonia”. 

We hope you have an excellent virtual tour of this artist’s universe because, as sociologist Gilberto Freyre said, “Ferreira Ferreiriza!”

Respeito 240x160cm Acrílico sobre tela Ano 2011.gif
WhatsApp Image 2024-01-18 at 09.00.52.jpeg

Fernando Guimarães

Buscada 43x27cm Acrílico sobre tela Ano 1998.gif
Outono 100x100 Acrílico sobre tela Ano 2012.gif
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